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Much of the work for NJNLA is accomplished by dedicated volunteers who serve on various committees.  If you are interested in volunteering for any committee please contact our office at 609-291-7070.

Advocacy Committee - Responsible to monitor legislative and regulatory actions that might affect the green industry, evaluating, and advising the board of directors.

Certified Nursery Landscape Professional (CNLP) Committee - Chiefly coordinates the Certified Nursery and Landscape Association program, and additionally looks for other opportunities to coordinate training's and promote the professionalism of the industry.

Public Relations - Responsible for coordinating association efforts to promote the industry to the general public, elevate the perception of horticulture as a profession and plants in general, and administer PR programs like Plant Something and Jersey Grown.

Membership Committee - Responsible for communication with membership, evaluation of member benefits and value, and collecting and communicating member concerns to the board.

Education Committee - Responsible for providing the educational aspects for NJNLA.

Events Committee -  Responsible for the planning from beginning to end the NJNLA Events


Additionally, committees exist for each of the NJNLA's major events:

Total Pro Expo

Summer Plant Symposium

The Landscape Conference

Annual Awards Dinner




Additional committees, required to fulfill specific, non-continuing tasks, may be called together at the direction of the President and the Board.

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